Monday, 1 August 2016

Scary Mary

Read the following extract and then answer the questions.

Scary Mary

Kiwi Mary Perkins, 23, made motocross history this year ( 2006) when she became the first female in the world to join the legendary Crusty Demons FMX Team! MAry was invited to ride with the crazy motocross extremists after setting a Guinness world record for the longest jump by a female on a motorcycle - a death-defying 159 ft! Mary’s the only girl to take the hair-raising sport of FMX this far!

How did you get into FMX?

I started out rounding up sheep on our family farm, and then progressed into racing motocross. I started doing big jumps. That got me hooked on free riding, then FMX.

What’s the hardest thing about your sport?

Crashing on the metal down ramps and getting injured! Being the first female in such a tough guy’s sport has been quite hard too.

What do you love the most about it?

Setting a trend by doing what I love doing everyday! It’s a pretty sweet job.

Ever had a really serious crash?

I’ve had a few!
There have been tears and quite a few broken bones, but it’s all about getting back on and giving it another shot.
Confidence is really important in any sport, especially FMX. I have to learn the correct skills and practice heaps. That gives me the confidence in my ability  - even if I crash.

What kind of training do you do?

I have to be fit and flexible. Most of my time is spent on the bike, training. Repetition - doing stuff over and over again - and dedication are what it takes to be the best. I have to keep trying and learning new tricks.

What shows have you been riding in recently?

The NZ Motorshow and the parachute festival, and I’ve just spent two months with the Crusty Demons touring Australia.

What’s coming up?

I’m still racing motocross so I’ve got the Australian and NZ Motocross Championships, and I might be going to India with the crusty tour later in the year. I’m also doing a lot of filming for videos and TV docs.

What’s your big goal?

To be the best female FMXer in the world and to encourage more girls to go into the sport. Oh, and I want to do a back-flip.


Please think about your own personal ability with reading and do the Curriculum Level suitable for your ability at the moment. Try to challenge yourself to go to the top you can. Remember we need full answers with good detail.

Level 3 (approx yr 6)     mainly from DA Literacy
  1. How has Mary Perkins made motocross history?
  2. What did Mary set a Guinness world record for?
  3. How did Mary get started in FMX?
  4. What are the are the two goals Mary would like to achieve?
  5. What personal goal does Mary think is really important in this sport?
  6. What is Mary’s main form of training?
  7. Where has MAry recently spent two months touring with the Crusty Demons FMX Team?

Level 4 (approx year 7)     mainly from SS Literacy
  1. What do you think “motocross extremists” are?
  2. What difficulties has Mary faced in FMX racing?
  3. a) What is “The Guinness book of Records”?
            b) Is it significant the Mary Perkins’ accomplishment has been published in this book? Give a reason to support your answer.
     4.   Do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Give a reason or reasons to support your opinion.
  1. Girls who participate in in FMX don’t have what it takes to do the sport well.
  2. It is important for all  New Zealanders to know that we have a Kiwi woman participating at international level in an FMX team.
  3. Doing FMX riding is a real job.
  4. Young people who live in the country are the ones who are most likely to start taking part in BMX and FMX sports.
  5. Anyone can be a top sportsperson if they have lots of money.
Level 4 / 5 (Year 8)   Mainly from IC literacy.            

Choose 3 activities from this section.

  1. Do research to find out about other New Zealand Sportspeople whose achievements have been published in the “Guinness Book of Records”

Fictitious means not based on fact, made up, invented.

     2. Write your own  imaginary story about success in a sport. You may also write an interview with a fictitious sportsperson. If you did the research question above, then that information could also be useful here.

    3. Draw a cartoon strip or design a poster about a sportsperson. Base  it either on facts or own your own imagination.

     4. In a paragraph describe what you think a person would need to do to achieve national and international success in any sport.

     5. What would you like to achieve success in? How do you think you might go about achieving this goal? Describe at least three possible methods.

An autobiography is the story of a person’s life written by that person.
A dust cover is a removable paper cover for a book. It gives the book’s title, the name of the author, and often an illustration. It may give other key information about the book, such as its price and a description of what the book is about.

  6. Read an autobiography about a famous sportsperson. Write a book review about the book.Write about the successes the person has achieved; the things they had to work hardest to overcome, key sporting events they took part in, and the people who helped them make it to the top. You may like to design a dustcover for the book.

  7. If you could be any famous person in the world, either a sportsman or any other type of celebrity, who would you be? List five reasons why you would like to trade places with that person and what you would like to achieve if you were in their shoes.

  8. Name any other people who have performed stunts, and have received world-wide recognition for this. The stunts could happen on or off the sports field.


  • How well did I do in relation to the learning intention for this comprehension activity?
  • What do I need to learn to do better?
  • How could I improve my result or answers?
  • Who could help me to improve this?
  • How can I help myself?

Remember to turn your work in.

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