Tuesday 2nd August
Morena Team.
Ms Addenbrooke has an appointment this morning so will see you at around 10.30. Please all check your emails to make sure you are up to date with any information that may be shared.
WHANAU TIME . 8.30 - 8.55 am
Brainstorm how we can all help manage the care of our Whare Ako 2 surrounds to keep it litter free.
MATHEMATICS 8.55 - 9.55
9.00am SAF MATH STUDENTS, Please do not collect headphones and gear, as soon as you hear the bell make your way across to Mrs Adams. Go with a positive attitude, this is an opportunity to develop your skills to an even higher level. Ms Addenbrooke will negotiate with you an appropriate time to do your Mastery Test but it will NOT be during SAF time.
You will need a pencil. Mr Cochrane will hand out protractors.
9.55 - 10.25am
Mr Cochrane's Writing Group meet in the Targetted Learning Room. Focus: News paper report
SPELLING WORD Wheel challenges.
Work by yourself with a partner have a competition, set yourself a time and do it as a speed test, enjoy.
LITERACY Block 2 11am - 12.30pm
Complete the work set yesterday of Mary FMX Rider.
The do the following Writing Task
We will hold workshops to do some activities with you for this task. Listen for and accept an opportunity to attend a workshop.
INQUIRY BLOCK 3 1.10 - 2.45PM.
Continue from yesterday. Olympic inquiry.
Goal to finish - All dust need to be complete or you will be kept in to complete this work on Thursday. Remember that you can complete any unfinished work at home and save to your google drive.
Brainstorm how we can all help manage the care of our Whare Ako 2 surrounds to keep it litter free.
MATHEMATICS 8.55 - 9.55
9.00am SAF MATH STUDENTS, Please do not collect headphones and gear, as soon as you hear the bell make your way across to Mrs Adams. Go with a positive attitude, this is an opportunity to develop your skills to an even higher level. Ms Addenbrooke will negotiate with you an appropriate time to do your Mastery Test but it will NOT be during SAF time.
You will need a pencil. Mr Cochrane will hand out protractors.
9.55 - 10.25am
Mr Cochrane's Writing Group meet in the Targetted Learning Room. Focus: News paper report
SPELLING WORD Wheel challenges.
Work by yourself with a partner have a competition, set yourself a time and do it as a speed test, enjoy.
LITERACY Block 2 11am - 12.30pm
Complete the work set yesterday of Mary FMX Rider.
The do the following Writing Task
We will hold workshops to do some activities with you for this task. Listen for and accept an opportunity to attend a workshop.
INQUIRY BLOCK 3 1.10 - 2.45PM.
Continue from yesterday. Olympic inquiry.
Goal to finish - All dust need to be complete or you will be kept in to complete this work on Thursday. Remember that you can complete any unfinished work at home and save to your google drive.
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