Hope you have all had a great weekend.
Whanau Time 8.30 - 8.55am Junior ASSEMBLY
We welcome Whaea Lorraine to D Common, she will be our extra teacher for the next few weeks. Mrs Smith has had her operation, She is back at home and recovering.
Please remember that our headphones are issued to be cared for by the person to whom the number is allocated. Too many are being taken by those without, only three people are in the position of not having headphones due to faulty headphones. Once you lose your headphones please do not borrow others, and as you take your headphones , please leave the bag in the storage bin. At the end of a session or day, the expectation is you will put your headphones back in the bag with the wires gently wrapped, Thank you those who are doing this really well.
Thank you to students and whanau rooms sharing their chrome books, it is awkward as they wear out, they have had a busy life. Just remember where you have borrowed from so charging at the end of the day is easier for all. If there is an issue with your allocated Chrome book please inform us so we can do all we can to help.
After issuing your equipment for day job one is to open, read, action then clear unnecessary email.
9.15 - 9.55 am MATH (See maths link for lesson)
9.55 - 10..25 Mr Cochrane's Writing Group are in the Breakout Targeted Teaching Room.
He is waiting for the rest of the published descriptions.
Make up your own report: e.g. Zombies take over Kawerau
We are looking at report writing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_NmVtnEEA8
All Others . Working on KIWI KIDS NEWS.
Finish off your digital dust jacket and complete your blurb about the story.
Write an explanation of your dust jacket. See the exemplar of what is required
Exemplar (You must explain why you designed the cover the way you did, link it to the story and ideas in the story...)
Scary Mary is a Reading Comprehension Activity for you to move on to once the Dust cover activity is completed and approved as completed by one of the Teachers. It is in Google Classroom "literacy" for Mrs Addenbrooke's Literacy group. (The girls in Mrs Smith's class have been invited to join this group and can do this work then turn in for Mrs Addenbrooke to mark. 8DA Literacy., if you wish to do it as an assignment and turn in. Please see Mr Cochrane if you need it loaded in to his Literacy group in Google Classroom. Mrs Smith's boys can get the link and add yourselves to Mr Cochranes class for now.
TEACHING Workshops will be held on report writing. You must attend one today, we will let you know when we are doing them.
Please refer back to work on blog from last week. there are various items there to help you have tasters of Olympic themed studied. You can do them entirely or use them as a springboard to develop your own inquiry. As well we have the following links to help you develop or choose an Olympic Theme. They will be loaded on to our website too.
Olympics Research Ideas and Help.
Career pathways
The Olympic Games and other global sports events provide many unique career opportunities for non-athletes. You could research the range of career options and investigate the courses and qualifications required.
Useful links
Explore the Olympic values
The Olympic values are respect, excellence, and friendship. The Paralympic values are determination, courage, equality, and inspiration.You could explore how these values are demonstrated by athletes during the Games and the importance of these values in your own life.
Useful links
Follow famous sportspeople
Olympic athletes are inspirational with their fierce discipline and natural talent. You could research famous Olympians from the past and present day and send their best wishes to our New Zealand team.
Useful links
Olympic mascots
Mascots are popular ambassadors of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. You could investigate the mascots for this year's Olympics and Paralympics and look at mascots from previous Games. You could explore ways that the mascots spread the Olympic spirit, communicate the Olympics values, and promote the cultural identity of the host countries.
Useful links
Opening ceremonies
You could view opening ceremonies from previous Olympic Games and discuss how each host country represents their cultures, values, and national identity. You may consider how New Zealand might represent itself in an opening ceremony. What aspects of our cultures, values, and national identity could we highlight?
Useful links
Research the history of the Olympics
The Olympics has a rich history encompassing the Ancient Games and the Modern Games. You could investigate the origins and traditions of the Olympics and explore how the event has changed over time.
Useful links
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