Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Thursday 1/12/2016

You now only have one more week of school. 2 days are activity days, one day is options and one day is prize giving. Remember you still need to manage your own behaviour until school is finished for the year. This is not the time to give up but the time to finish well. How do you want to be remembered during year 8. You have one week left to show us.
Today is going to be a little bit messy with different teachers working with you throughout the day.
Lets all have a great day again and show our visitors how awesome and well behaved we can be.

Block One.

Maths- Practise fast recall of basic number facts.

Activity- Word number problems.
WALT: Finding the maths in word number problems.

Kiwi Kids News- Choose your own article. Answer the thinking questions and recall questions in full.

Obstacle course- Whaea Kelly will run this with you.

Block Two
Reading- Boy on a bike by Bronwen Wall.
Peer reading. Discuss the main ideas in the story. Draw a map of the North island. Make on your map the different place they stopped at and visited. Check your placements of the town using an Atlas.

Answer these questions
1. What was the reason for his trip?
2. How do you think he felt doing something for someone else?
3. Did he get a reward for his efforts?
4. What would you do to raise money for a charity?
5. What charity would you raise money for and why?

On google drawing create a dust jacket of this story. Write your own blurb about it. (Must be at least a paragraph)
Would you recommend this book yes/no, why or why not.

Block Three
Mannequin challenge.
Add your inquiry and any published work to your blog.

Pack up at 2:30 clean up commons. Meet in Target zone to discuss today's effort, outstanding student, Friday Merit assembly, Finish day with Karakia.

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