Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Thursday 1/12/2016

You now only have one more week of school. 2 days are activity days, one day is options and one day is prize giving. Remember you still need to manage your own behaviour until school is finished for the year. This is not the time to give up but the time to finish well. How do you want to be remembered during year 8. You have one week left to show us.
Today is going to be a little bit messy with different teachers working with you throughout the day.
Lets all have a great day again and show our visitors how awesome and well behaved we can be.

Block One.

Maths- Practise fast recall of basic number facts.

Activity- Word number problems.
WALT: Finding the maths in word number problems.

Kiwi Kids News- Choose your own article. Answer the thinking questions and recall questions in full.

Obstacle course- Whaea Kelly will run this with you.

Block Two
Reading- Boy on a bike by Bronwen Wall.
Peer reading. Discuss the main ideas in the story. Draw a map of the North island. Make on your map the different place they stopped at and visited. Check your placements of the town using an Atlas.

Answer these questions
1. What was the reason for his trip?
2. How do you think he felt doing something for someone else?
3. Did he get a reward for his efforts?
4. What would you do to raise money for a charity?
5. What charity would you raise money for and why?

On google drawing create a dust jacket of this story. Write your own blurb about it. (Must be at least a paragraph)
Would you recommend this book yes/no, why or why not.

Block Three
Mannequin challenge.
Add your inquiry and any published work to your blog.

Pack up at 2:30 clean up commons. Meet in Target zone to discuss today's effort, outstanding student, Friday Merit assembly, Finish day with Karakia.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Tuesday 29/11/ 2016

Morning everyone.
Yesterday was a good day. It was great getting the letters in. We are still waiting on a couple of students to send them through so we can print them off and send them to Kaikoura primary school.
I have also read through a couple of your inquiries. So far they are looking great. Don't forget that your whanau will want to see this so add it to your blog.
Lets all have another great day today.

Work for today

Study ladder- Free choice of math activities.

Kiwi Kids News

Read through both article. Choose one of the article to answer the recall and thinking questions.
Do this on a google doc.

Writing-  First if you haven't sent through your letters please send them through so we can print them out to send to students in Kaikoura.
Continue working on your inquiry. It was due yesterday however I think so of you need more time to complete it. It does need to be handed in by lunch time.

Reading-  Peer reading school journal story
You have a choice of 3 stories.
1. The big dig- Once you are finished write design a quake proof road. Label the parts and explain how it would work.
2. Painting the town- Once you are finish explain what part of Kawerau you would like to see street art, what kind of street art and why. Draw some of your own ideas.
3. Read Namu and Waeroa. and Te Namu. Draw and label the different parts of a sand fly/mosquito. List the thing people did to stop getting bitten by them.

Follow the link to practise the skill of coding. Start at the beginners level.

Monday 28th 11 2016

Morning everyone,
Hope you have all had a fantastic weekend.
You only have 2 more weeks of school left. Lets all make it a fantastic last couple of weeks.


When you have finished these 2 game you can have free choice of maths activities on study ladder.

Kiwi kids News.
What would you do if you found Gold under your house.
Answer the recall and thinking questions.
When you have done that create a list of things you would spend the money on.

Morning tea
Writing- Finish publishing letters to students from Kaikoura Primary School
              See Google classroom for other activities.

Reading- See Google classroom for reading activities.


Inquiry last day to finish off your inquiry. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


THURSDAY 24th November - week 7


Payment and outstanding notices for Activity Days must be sorted by tomorrow at the latest. If your family has something to do on one of those days then a note must be brought to school from your parent/caregivers urgently as we will otherwise need to forward to truancy that you are/will be absent.

8.55 - 9.45  Mathematics - Algebra Mastery Test
9.45 - 10.25 Study Skills - On Google Classroom - Literal Word Meanings.
Fast Finishers can start looking at the Writing Skill exercise. on Google Classroom too.

11.00 - 11.45  Letter Writing Skill Activity Lesson One - Google Classroom
11.45 - 12.30   Reading - Poetry The Fridge - Google Classroom

 8DA at PE


Monday, 21 November 2016

Tuesday 22nd November 2016

Tuesday 22nd November 2016

We are very lucky to day to have Mrs Cannell coming in to our Common to take each home room for a special introduction to "Dreamcatcher", a special careers programme.

Each whanau class will have a 45 minute session in the art room this morning in either block one or block two.
Mr Cochrane is at the athletic sports, we wish all our competitors good luck, and our congratulations for making the team, we are proud of you.

All students will be using a chrome book for Mrs Cannell's lessons, How you manage them will have an impact on whether you get to use them later in the day or remain on pencil and paper tasks.

9.00  Miss McNicholas and 8CM
9.45  Mr Cochranes class 8IC

11.00 ( beginning of block 2) 9DA

Maths 22/11/2016

All work is to be done in your maths books.
You must make sure that you have included all your working.

Practise activity.
Group 1 Naming fractions- Page 274-275 NZ curriculum Mathematics
                                        Stage 5 Early additive.

Group 2 Adding and Subtracting decimals- Page 88 and 89 NZ curriculum mathematics
                                                              Level 4A

Group 3 Order of Operations- Page 52-53 NZ curriculum mathematics
                                            Level 4B

Extra for experts
Group 1- Page 278 improper fractions
Group 2- Page Page 95 Fact file (Find the message)
Group 3- Page 51 Investigation

Saturday, 19 November 2016



Welcome back after a great weekend, summer is on it's way 😄,
Thank you to those who are coming to school with their uniform sorted and their equipment necessary for learning, (pencil, rubber, sharpener and book.)
Thank you to those who are remembering to politely line up outside.

1. Money for Activity Days to come back URGENTLY with permission forms.
2. Those picked for Interschool Athletics, remember it is tomorrow - Tuesday, one or two notices were left on tables after school on Friday!! Make sure your whanau know.
3. Chrome Books. These are being issued again for certain subjects and activities On condition

  •            You are logged in under your school account.
  •             You prepare a play list  ( no more than 5 minutes to be spent doing this) then u-tube is off.
  •            There is n multitasking on facebook, gaming or u-tube.
  •           Work is completed and turned in correctly.  
  •         IF THESE CONDITIONS ARE NOT MEET YOU WILL LOSE THE RIGHT TO COMPUTER ACCESS. We have proof from the last week you work far better in books, as you do not have distractions.
8.55 - 9.45 am  Mathematics.

9.45 - 10.00am  Handwriting.  You are to choose one piece of text from any book, ( or one of the handwriting cards from the trolley) and copy a minimum of 3 paragraphs into your literacy book in your neatest handwriting.
We are looking at shapes of letters, even size, the way letters are sitting on the line and where tails drop to (no more that 1/3 of the line underneath. It is important we practice our writing so we maintain a style that is easy and fluid to produce, and legible to be read.

10.00 - 10.25am  STUDY SKILLS. - On Google classroom. You will need your literacy book and worksheet from Thursday.

11.00 - 11.15 am if you did not have an opportunity to complete the two following tasks on Friday, please spend 15 minutes completing them now.
1. A survey for Mrs Mees about MANA cards and PB4L
2. A survey from Mrs Martin-Paling and Ms Addenbrooke about using Chrome Books.

11.15 - 11.45  Senses Task, based on Touch. We will in Whanau classes brainstorm a variety of words and phrases to describe sensations of touch, Next go to Google Classroom to do this Language Activity.

11.45 - 12.30 WRITING  ( Quotation Marks - Google Classroom)

1.10 - 1.50 pm READING  on google Classroom
1.55 - 2.40 pm  INQUIRY Your individual Inquiry needs to be turned in by Thursday, this will be assessed and entered on Kmar for your overall report grade.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Maths Number

Maths Number.

Warm up activity

Today we will be doing something a little bit different.
Today you will be working through word problems and pulling out the maths in the problems.
Below is a link/practise activity before doing your activities in google classroom.

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

Activities on google classroom.

When finished you can have a personal choice of maths activities on study ladder.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Week 5 Term 4 Monday 7th November

Monday 7th November

Have you remembered to bring your Activity Day form back? We will be putting people in to Activities to fill spaces if you do not reply by tomorrow Tuesday 8th. Some Activities are almost fill and others may have to be cancelled if you do not get your preferences in, remember, these are ideas you asked for and teachers have put time in to organising, so its now up to you. These are two compulsory school days.

We have visitors in the common on Wednesday and Thursday, we know you will show MANA to our visitors, they want to see how things work in our common, share you skills.

                        WHICH STEP WILL YOU REACH TODAY? We know what we step we should aspire to, how about making sure 100% of us do it. 

                                                                                                          YES !!! I did it.!!!
                                                                                                  I will do it.
                                                                                         I can do it.
                                                                                I'll try to do it.
                                                                       How do I do it?
                                                                I want to do it.
                                                         I can't do it.
                                                 I won't do it.

Where are you starting today?  Where will you climb to?

REMINDERS:  All computers will be tracked and locked with Hapara, any complaints arising from the use of this tool to focus your learning, and you will automatically loose your chrome book.                   We do not and will not ever give you permission to play games on chrome books or The Hub at school, we are here to learn and one thing a lot of us  seem to need is support to manage social media use and gaming, these are a type of addiction.
                             All computers will be scanned out and trolleys then locked you will retain your own computer and use it wisely, we will be formalising the return as we are disappointed by the drop and run occurring.
                            Headphones will be signed out and signed in, if not put carefully back in to bags and returned as asked , you will not be able to borrow them, its called respect of resources.

None of these things are new, however a timely reminder to all.

Lastly, We have purchased  some pencils, however we need something valuable from you to swop to get the use of one. Unfortunately the loss rate is most unacceptable, and the way they are found broken as in snapped in half and dropped all around the room shows a lack of respect for our generosity. Trade and you can have one to use. Otherwise we have black crayons available.

Block One
  8.55am - 9.55am    Mathematics
  9.55am - 10.20am  Study Skills   (google classroom)
  10.20 - 10.25   Pack up and return work tools  from seated class instructions.

Block Two
  11.00am - 12.00pm  Writing 
  12.00pm - 12.25 pm Reading Tools  (google classroom)

Block Three
  1.10pm - 1.50pm    Reading with your teachers in literacy groups. 
                                  Group 1 Ms Addenbrooke - Short stories
                                  Group 2 Mr Cochrane - SRA
                                  Group 3 Miss McNicholas - SRA

  1.50pm - 2.40pm    Inquiry  part 4  (google classroom)

Have a great day.


Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Algebra Thursday

Thursday 3/11/2016

Warm up activity- Study ladder.

WALT: use the rule to solve number problems with input and output numbers.

AWS Algebra level 3
See google classroom page 12/13 activity 5 and 6.

Finishing off activity

Thursday 3rd November


Good Morning and welcome to your last learning day of the week. Please remember you are not at school tomorrow as the Senior Prize-giving takes place in the theatre.

REMINDER>>We need your activity forms back AND Monies to come in and be paid urgently please.  Otherwise we will be placing you in an activity and giving you a bill to take home and be paid.  The biking activity at the redwoods cannot go ahead, however an overnight tramp has been offered instead. The cost of that is $15.

Ms Addenbrooke needs Zayne and Taeya to hand in their literacy books. As well Corall, Taeya, Te Rangi and Shaviah have yet to complete their student voice survey, this will be done in your time, interval, today.

8.55 - 9.55 Maths:
9.55 - 10.25  Study Skills (On google classroom) - Thinking Critically. Please check you have completed Mondays Skills (Using Contextual Skills) and Tuesdays (Specialist Language as well)

11.00 - 12.00 WRITTEN LANGUAGE  - Cameo Writing (On google classroom)
12.00 - 12.30  READING SKILL - Be Careful - to complete (On google classroom from 1/11)

 8DA  P.E. All Block
8CM & 8 IC  Reading SRA 1.10 - 1.50
                        Inquiry  1.50 - 2.40  ( Scroll on classroom to see Inquiry Step 4)

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Week 4 Term 4 2016

TUESDAY 1st NOVEMBERHave you remembered to return your notice regarding activity days? Don't miss out because you have not discussed the options and costs with your whanau.

1. We will be checking your use on Hapara
2. If you are not logged on under your name (e.g. those who are lazy and using "Guest" you will instantly lose yur chrome book for the day., and not be able to use the hub.
3. If you are needing to be bumped off a site more than 3 times you will lose the Chrome Book too.
This is a learning tool, many are using them well, some need to improve their self-management.


8.55am - 9.55 am     MATHS:
9.55 - 10.25  STUDY SKILLS - This is on google classroom and is around using Contextual Clues, something we have been working on but yet to master.


11am - 12pm  WRITING  - as well as revisiting yesterday's writing activity, please check with your teacher then post to your blog, it is important you all  complete a student voice survey. This must be completed today .

12pm - 12.30 pm READING ( ON google classroom, this was put up yesterday, we chose not to do it as we were so busy, however please start and do it now, thanks)


1.10pm - 2.10pm  Reading  Group 1 Ms Addenbrookes' group, in Learning area together working on Short Stories.   Group 2  Mr Cochranes' group , in Targetted Learning Zone working on SRA.                  Group 3  Miss McNicholas' group, in main area working on SRA cards.
As well there is an activity on Google Classroom for those who complete their group work with their literacy teacher . This is an activity to support gaps we have seen from testing.

2.10pm - 2.40pm  Inquiry Stage 4 Refer to Google classroom and make sure you are coverin

Monday, 31 October 2016

Maths 1/10/2016

Maths  Tuesday
Warm up activity

Today we are continuing our working with number.
Group 1 WALT: Order fractions.
Group 2 WALT: Multiplying and dividing decimals
Group 3 WALT: Solve number problems using BEDMAS

Number activities: These activities are found in your google classroom. Do these activities in your maths books.

On line activities:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:

Maths 31/10/2016

Warm up activity

Today we are continuing our working with number.
Group 1 WALT: Order fractions.
Group 2 WALT: Multiplying and dividing decimals
Group 3 WALT: Solve number problems using BEDMAS

Videos to help you understand concepts:
Group 1 Video: 
Group 2 Video:
Group 3 Video:

Number activities: These activities are found in your google classroom. Do these activities in your maths books.

On line activities:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:

Week 4 Term 4 2016

WEEK 4 TERM 4 2016

Proud of how so many of you accepted the testing situation, settle quickly and really did try hard to answer and check all questions. Was great to get many of you through the catch ups as well. Block one today will be Writing catch ups.
Have you remembered to return your notice regarding activity days? Don't miss out because you have not discussed the options and costs with your whanau.


8.55am - 9.55 am    For those who need to Writing Catch-ups. This is the last assessment we need to complete.   In Targetted teaching area, listen for your name and come in smartly with a sharp pencil.
                Everyone Else MATHS:
9.55 - 10.25  STUDY SKILLS - This is on google classroom and is around using Contextual Clues, something we have been working on but yet to master.


11am - 12pm  WRITING  - as well as a writing activity, you will be asked to complete a student voice survey. This must be completed today .

12pm - 12.30 pm  Fridays' Art task to be completed. Those who have completed theirs will have another mini Art task to do.


1.10pm - 2.10pm  Reading  Group 1 Ms Addenbrookes' group, in Learning area together working on Short Stories.   Group 2  Mr Cochranes' group , in Targetted Learning Zone working on SRA.                  Group 3  Miss McNicholas' group, in main area working on SRA cards.
As well there is an activity on Google Classroom for those who complete their group work with their literacy teacher . This is an activity to support gaps we have seen from testing.

2.10pm - 2.40pm  Inquiry Stage 4 Refer to Google classroom and make sure you are covering all of the steps. 

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Friday 28th October


Too many reminders needed, we need to step up and meet our tasks and show Manaakitanga in all ways, Manners, Uniform, Work Ethic, new day, fresh start.
(8IC - Office Duty)


8.55 - 9.55 am    8CM  P.E. (whole Block)
                            8DA and 8IC   Proof reading, Editing and Re-working two writing pieces and then publish to blog.

9.55 - 10.25 am   Study Skills  (On Google Classroom) - Word Power


11.00 am - 11.45 am  8IC P.E. (Whole Block)
                               8DA and 8CM  Reading  Group 3 (SRA Cards)
                                                                           Group 2 (SRA Cards)
                                                                            Group 1 (Short Stories)
11.45am - 12.30pm   8CM Mathletics (once yesterdays Math is completed)
                                   8DA  Maths from Thursday (you were at P.E.)


1.10pm - 1.45 pm  8CM Study skills then Proof reading and publish to blog.
                                8IC   Reading as per Block 2
                                 8DA  Maths to be completed
1.45 - 2.40pm     All  an ART activity.



Week 3 Drawing to a close, testing is completed for most. Catch ups will occur today and tomorrow morning.

Thank you for the effort you are putting in to having your uniforms top notch. We do appreciate it. Remember to please collect items we are storing for you in the workroom at the end of each day.

8.55 - 9.55  WRITING - WALT do Cameo writing. - a snap shot in time.
                    SUCCESS CRITERIA - the writing will be a picture with words so the reader has a visual image of what we have described.
We are looking for: appropriate metaphors
                                   and phrases for effect.
This will be written in our Literacy books.

9.55 - 10.25 Study Skills On Google Classroom

11.00 - 12.00  READING
             Group 1 (Ms Addenbrooke) - In targeted Learning Area Short Stories
             Group 2  (Mr Cochrane)  - S>R>A>
             Group 3  ( Miss McNicholas  S.R.A
12.00 - 12.30       Blog up-dating

1.10 - 2.10  MATHEMATICS

2.10 - 2.40   INQUIRY

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Algebra 26/10/2016

Warm up activity:

Today's activity- Google classroom.
WALT: Continue the pattern and find the rule to continue the sequence. You need to complete page 2 and 3 activity 4, 5 and 6. Today's work is to be completed in your maths books. If you want to continue developing your skills you can continue using this booklet at home.

Online Algebra Game:

Monday, 24 October 2016

Maths Tuesday 25/10/2016

Warm up activity

Today we are continuing our working with number.
Group 1 WALT: Order fractions.
Group 2 WALT: Multiplying and dividing decimals
Group 3 WALT: Solve number problems using BEDMAS

Videos to help you understand concepts:
Group 1 Video: 
Group 2 Video:
Group 3 Video:

Number activities: These activities are found in your google classroom. Do these activities in your maths books.

On line activities:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:

25th October 2016

Tuesday 25th October 2016

Welcome Back after our lovely 3 day weekend break.
Thank you to all of you who have spent the weekend getting your uniform all smart and worn well, You make us proud looking so well turned out today.


8.55 - 9.55 am  STAR TESTING  - WHOLE common in testing situation , Targeted working Zone, Art Room and Learning Common.
This will start during block 1.

9.55 - 10.25  STUDY SKILLS: On google classroom


11.00 - 12.00  Maths
Warm up activity

Today we are continuing our working with number.
Group 1 WALT: Order fractions.
Group 2 WALT: Multiplying and dividing decimals
Group 3 WALT: Solve number problems using BEDMAS

Videos to help you understand concepts:
Group 1 Video: 
Group 2 Video:
Group 3 Video:

Number activities: These activities are found in your google classroom. Do these activities in your maths books.

On line activities:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:

12.00 -12.30

Video to watch on a Solar Eclipse, note as many ideas and information from the video as you can in your Language Book.

Solar Eclipse  (main to view)


solar eclipse


Writing Task, in Literacy Book

Describe a Solar Eclipse

Once shared with buddy and reworked, discuss with one of the teachers. When acceptable to hand in carry on with Inquiry.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Maths Algebra 21/10/2016


WALT: Find the rule to continue the number pattern.

Warm up activity
Choose which tables you want to practise.
Times table practise-

Exercise: NZ Mathematics 8. Exercise 3B 1-4 Page 64.
Do you activity in your books.

Online practise activity.

Friday 21st October.

Friday 21st October 2016.

Greetings all, I hope you all have a great long weekend planned where you can relax with your whanau and recharge your batteries for the busy weeks ahead.

Reminder that this term is warm, spring moving in to summer and we have been asked to now have removed and confiscate any non uniform items being worn, including at morning tea and lunch time. Our recommendation to you is avoid starting the day on a negative note, do not bring items to school, you all have the correct uniform and look fabulous in it, let us once again gain compliments for being the smartest dresses Common.

 8CM  P.E.
 8.55 - 9.55 am   8IC / 8DA   Mathematics
9.55 - 10.25 am  8IC/ 8 DA    Study Skills  -See tab here on blog.

8IC    PE 
11 - 12.00   - 8DA/8CM  Writing - On paper, we will hand out.
12.00 - 12.30 pm   Problem Solving   -  google classroom.

1.10 - 2.00  8DA Targeted learning Zone -  Reading then Inquiry.
                   8CM Mathematics followed by Study Skills 
                   8IC   Writing followed by Problem Solving

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Maths Thursday Algebra

WALT: use rules to find number patterns.

Warm up activity
Multiplication practise
Division practise

Finding the rule to a number sequence:

Activity: See Google classroom.

Online practise activity:



LEARNING OBJECTIVE:  To edit and proof read in the production of a polished piece of writing.

Your Task is to edit and proof read to produced a polished story.


  1. Develops ideas in more detail
  2. Identifies the weal language and finds alternatives
  3. Makes corrections of spelling, punctuation, sentence construction and grammar.
  4. Uses logical paragraphs which are linked throughout.
  5. Writes an original and interesting story at publication level.
  6. Evaluates the writing process.

This activity must be completed after checking the editing questions and before you write up your final copy.

You must swap  your altered drafts with a partner. The instruction you need to give your partner is to check your work for any unseen errors and offer any ideas for further improvement.

Read your draft of either "The Cave" or another piece of writing you are keen to share to become a blog post. Read it through again, one sentence at a time
  • Put a tick at the end of any sentence that you are happy with, and circle any that you think could be improved.
  • Now go back and work on those problem sentences.
  • Underline any words which could be replaced with something more interesting. Check your verbs!
  • Correct any errors you find - don't forget to use your dictionary.
  • Swap drafts with another person. Read each other's work checking for errors and offer any ideas for improvement.
  • Write a little evaluation about the changes you agreed on and why.
  • Complete your final copy and load on to your blog. 

Thursday 20th October

Thursday 20th October

Big thank you for the improving uniform we see. Also great to see the strong display of Manaakitangi as you move through the day.

Reminder Green Card Work space is unavailable to ALL students this week.

Congratulations to the recipients of MANA Certificates and bands at our Whanau Assembly.


8.55 - 9.55am  MATHEMATICS
                        Click on the tab to see what you are consolidating today.

  (During this time all three classes will go to Target Learning Zone one at a time and do their IKAN MATH test)

9.55 - 10.25  STUDY SKILLS  Check the tab to see what your task is for today.


11.-00 - 12.00pm  e-asTTLe writing sample  (formal test situation)

ALL STUDENTS need a pencil, and a book to lean on. We will be providing you with the paper to write on.

12.00 -12.30pm  Complete the Study Skills Task, see the tutorial to then post this work to your Blog.

8DA  To P.E.

8CM and 8IC  Reading Activity  See Google Classroom  _This must be completed.
                        When directed by your teacher - Inquiry

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Tuesday 18th October

Tuesday 18th October ( term 4 week 2)

Ms Addenbrookes class are on Office Duty, however if you have a test you will be required to stay to complete the test and we will send students from another common.

Remember the rules around uniform, if not yet correct please go and sort it before we ask you.

8.55 - 10.05am ALL YEAR 8 easTTLe Math Testing.  8DA Art room
                                                                                          8CM Targetted Learning room ( we will quickly adjust desks/ tables after whanau time)               8IC  Work Zone 1 & 2

10.05 - 10.25  Study Skills and Research


11: 00 - 12.00    easTTLe testing Reading Testing    8CM plus Corall, Te Rangi and Taeya
                           8IC and 8DA  Reading on google classroom.

12.00 - 12.30     Writing - tidying and proofing work for blog.

1.10 - 2.00       Writing  - 
2.00 - 2.45        Personal Inquiry - Make sure your teacher knows what your topic is and your focus it is important we are informed so we can support you.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Monday 17th October Week 2 Term 4 Testing Week

Monday 17th October. Week 2 term 2

This is our main testing week for the term.

Remember these rules apply and will be enforced.

  1. We sit alone to focus on ourselves.
  2. All phones and headphones are handed in, no music in tests.
  3. All food in bags, bags at front of main common by resource room.
  4. No talking until time up is called.

When  testing remember tests have a set time. Built in to that time is an allocation for reading the instructions and following questions, and checking afterwards. If the test is for 45 minutes and you return it in 7 you will receive 0 and will be required to sit the test again properly.

Testing shows you, your parents and your Teachers the growth you have had from one test to the next.
Testing shows you, your parents and your Teachers what gaps you have we can support you to fill, what we need to plan to help you attain the skills that a Year 8 student should have.
testing measures your learning and capability to accept a challenge.

Your behaviour during testing shows how much you value learning and using your knowledge and skills to apply to answers questions and solving problems.

We will make sure the environment allows you to do your best by keeping it quiet, giving you space and supporting you with the reading of something that has confused you.

Do your best to show us what you can do.


8.50 - 9.05 Putting away gear, having chrome books issued.

9.05 - 9.55 Instruction time - followed by 45 minute Reading test.

10.00 - 10.25 - Study Skills and Research Activity. google classroom

11.00- 11.50  Mathematics
11.50 - 12.30  Writing 

1.10 - 1.30  Sustained silent reading ( and remember to fill your reading log at the end of the session)
1.30 - 2.00  Revisit one of you pieces of writing with 2 buddies, check for accuracy, check then with teacher publish to blog.
2.00 - 2.40  Inquiry - Make sure you have shared your topic with your teacher.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Monday Maths 17/10/2016

Maths 17/10/2016

Today we are continuing our working with number.
Group 1 WALT: Order fractions.
Group 2 WALT: Multiplying and dividing decimals
Group 3 WALT: Solve number problems using BEDMAS

Warm up activity

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

Practise activities in google classroom.

Finish off activities.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

Friday, 14 October 2016

Friday 14th October 2016

Friday 14th October, 2016

Good morning, and welcome to our last day of week 1.

 Remember this is our "whiteboard" if you want to know what to do, come back and re-read. If you are unsure, re-read, check, then if still unsure see one of the teachers but you will be asked what you have read.

We welcome Ms McMillan and Mrs Walker here today, to see how we use our Chrome Books, as they have just bought Chrome Books to introduce at South School.

What are you going to do today to display MANA in our Year 8 common.


8CM  - P.E.

8DA and 8 IC  Mathematics  8.50 - 9.50
                          Study Skills    9.50 - 10.25 - On google classroom.


8IC - P.E.

8DA and 8CM Writing  - 11.00 - 12.00
                           Reading - 12 -.12.30 On google classroom


ALL CLASSES - Sustained Silent Reading for 20 minutes, remember to fill in reading log.

8CM  -   Mathematics then Study Skills
8IC - Writing  then Reading Task to commence 
8DA - Inquiry from Thursday ( P.E. catch up) 

Thursday, 13 October 2016


Algebra Friday

1. Game- Multiplication challenge

2. Algebra activity

3. Algebra worksheet- See google classroom.

4. Online practise activity.

Thursday 13th October 2013

Thursday 13th October 2013

Are you ready for learning? Did you come straight into the Targeted Learning Area to begin our Whanau time? Are all your food items away? Are you in the correct uniform?

If you can answer yes to all of these Thank you very much, you are showing MANA, you help make Year 8 Shine.


MATHEMATICS - Maths pre test

STUDY SKILLS - Two days to check and revisit. If this is completed make sure your work log is filled in and you honestly reflect on how you are going this week managing work load.


Written Language - Narrative writing/setting.

SSR, and Reading Log to be filled in.



Reading Activity from Tuesday!!

Monday, 10 October 2016

Maths 11/10/16

Number Maths

Warm up activities:

Group activities.- We will be continuing each group focus.
Group 1 Adding and Subtracting fractions
Group 2 Adding and Subtracting decimals
Group 3 Using BEDMAS to solve equations (order of operations)

Group 1 Activity 3 page 67 (NZ curriculum mathematics 4A)
Group 2 Activity 2 page 95 (NZ curriculum mathematics 4B)
Group 3 Activity B page 82-83 (NZ math numeracy project 8)

Finishing off measurement revision:

Tuesday 11th October Term 4 Week 1

Term 4 Tuesday 11th October

Good Morning 

Thank you for a great focused block 1 and 2 and very active listening at the beginning of block 3 yesterday.
Reminder please to come in to targetted learning zone at start of each block.

It was tremendous to have Ashleigh, Shekinah and Te Ohaere for all their hard work moving the journals yesterday afternoon. You have been rewarded for this.


All students will attend their Class Teacher for guidance at each allocated time when called (Math, Read, Write), those we are confident are on task and meeting expectations will then be sent off to work in their chosen area, however this will only be in D Common, those needing more supervision will remain with their allocated teacher.
We have work profiles to complete as evidence work is being completed. Those unable to meet expectations will be working in formal situation in books, no devices.

SELF MANAGEMENT: Using Chrome Books

1. Must be scanned out, scanned in, always your own allocated number and whenever you leave them log off fully or lock the keyboard.
2, When online and working backs may not be against the wall, all screens must be visible at all times.
3. There is no free time or off site games, one warning then chrome book will be removed and work will be done in books.

1. Now spring, this does mean variable weather however no shirts or hoodies are to be worn under or on top of uniforms. These will be removed the moment you enter the common or be sent to Deans. No caps are to be worn, especially inside. Covered shoes are needed for Wood Tech, Sewing and Hospitality on Wednesdays.

The rule for the whole school is not eating or chewing in the commons, this includes the daily fruit supplied. One warning then Deans plus letters home, especially the persistent junk food snackers , eat at home before getting to school, then you will be able to wait until interval one.

A BIG THANK YOU to those who already display strong self management skills.

8.30 - 8.50  Whanau Time  MANA and what it looks like in Year 8 "D" Common. We will start filling in Task sheet ( sent out in google classroom yesterday)
8.50 - 9.50  MATHS   Class Introduction then move off to lesson. Groups are the same as last term. Monday and Tuesday is focused on Number, and Thursday and Friday is Algebra. 
9.50 - 10.25  Skills Study  - On Google Classroom

11.00 - 12.00 Writing - In Google Classroom
12.00 - 12.30  Inquiry completing the initial planning
1.10 - 2.10   READING  - in google classroom, 20 minutes silent reading and log to commence. A skill activity is also on google classroom. Your group will be meeting for shared reading too.
2.10 - 2,45   INQUIRY - Individual time to work on this.

Maths Monday 10/10/2016

Monday 10/10.2016

Morning everyone. Hope you have all had a great holiday. Our Maths focus for this term is Number and Algebra.
Your maths goal is to need this year knowing all your time tables to 10x10. If you already know these then you are working on instant recall of the division facts.

Groups will continue as the same as last term.

Group 1. Subtracting fractions
Group 2. Subtracting decimals
Group 3. Mixed operations

Today's work.
1. Warm up activity
Times table facts practise
Division facts practise

Group 1. Subtracting fractions
Group 2. Subtracting decimals
Group 3. Mixed operations

See Google classroom.

Finishing off
Group 1.
Group 2.
Group 3.

Term 4 2016 Week 1 Day 1

Good Morning and welcome to Day 1 Term 4 10/10/16

Although the weather has not treated us well I do hope you have all had a break to recharge your batteries as this normally is the busiest and hardest working of them all.

It was tremendous to have people use the more indoor weather to revisit and resubmit their Inquiry of Water to get a higher grade after working on recommendations sent back by staff. It was also fantastic for people to approach us to get their Mathletics passwords to continue their work and practice, and Tamara , thank-you for also helping a Year 7 get theirs too. You have had a Ngakau Pono MANA Card for this.


All students will attend their Class Teacher for guidance at each allocated time when called (Math, Read, Write), those we are confident are on task and meeting expectations will then be sent off to work in their chosen area, however this will only be in D Common, those needing more supervision will remain with their allocated teacher.
We have work profiles to complete as evidence work is being completed. Those unable to meet expectations will be working in formal situation in books, no devices.

SELF MANAGEMENT: Using Chrome Books

1. Must be scanned out, scanned in, always your own allocated number and whenever you leave them log off fully or lock the keyboard.
2, When online and working backs may not be against the wall, all screens must be visible at all times.
3. There is no free time or off site games, one warning then chrome book will be removed and work will be done in books.

1. Now spring, this does mean variable weather however no shirts or hoodies are to be worn under or on top of uniforms. These will be removed the moment you enter the common or be sent to Deans. No caps are to be worn, especially inside. Covered shoes are needed for Wood Tech, Sewing and Hospitality on Wednesdays.

The rule for the whole school is not eating or chewing in the commons, this includes the daily fruit supplied. One warning then Deans plus letters home, especially the persistent junk food snackers , eat at home before getting to school, then you will be able to wait until interval one.

A BIG THANK YOU to those who already display strong self management skills.

8.30 - 8.50  Whanau Time  MANA and what it looks like in Year 8 "D" Common Start filling in Task sheet ( sent out in google classroom)
8.50 - 9.50  MATHS   Class Introduction then move off to lesson. Group are the same as last term. Monday and Tuesday is focused on Number, and Thursday and Friday is Algebra. 
9.50 - 10.25  Skills Study  - On Google Classroom

11.00 - 12.00 Writing - In Google Classroom
12.00 - 12.30  Inquiry Introduction

1.10 - 2.10   READING  - in google classroom, 20 minutes silent reading and log to commence. A skill activity is also on google classroom. Your group will be meeting for shared reading too.
2.10 - 2,45   INQUIRY - Individual time to work on this.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

23 September 2016 - Last Day of Term 3

23 September 2016 - Last Day of Term 3

Another term nearly completed, and what have you shared to show on your blog? Today is sharing day, and on your blog is to be entered all your completed work that has been edited for publication, published so all whanau can enjoy over the holiday break.

AN URGENT EMAIL MUST BE COMPLETED BY YOU ALL TODAY< it is regarding Activity Days at the end of the year and we need the holidays to book, plan and prepare for these.


8CM to P. E.

8IC and 8DA -  Respond to the email about Activity Day - we need your voice on this.

MATHS:  Click on Math Tab above.

YOUR GOAL TODAY - to have each piece of study and research we have due in completed by today, turned in and completed.  The List is.

MINIMUM of TWO edited writing pieces published on blog.
READING ASSIGNMENT TASKS, completed and turned in , or written up in your book and submitted to your Literacy Teacher.
WATER INQUIRY completed and submitted.

We will have a timer displayed to help you manage your day and workload, and an overview of work as it is submitted , so you know what you have left to complete.


8IC to P.E.

8CM and 8DA

YOUR GOAL TODAY - to have each piece of study and research we have due in completed by today, turned in and completed.  The List is.

MINIMUM of TWO edited writing pieces published on blog.
READING ASSIGNMENT TASKS, completed and turned in , or written up in your book and submitted to your Literacy Teacher.
WATER INQUIRY completed and submitted.

We will have a timer displayed to help you manage your day and workload, and an overview of work as it is submitted , so you know what you have left to complete.


AS ABOVE - once completed  8CM have Math to do.

Please make sure all Blogs are updated.

Maths Logic, skills and strategy games

Maths games

WALT: develop logic, maths skills and strategy

Being that this is the last day of term we will be doing online maths games and challenges.
Follow the links below. Challenge your classmate to an activity.

Maths- Area and Volume

Measurement. 22/09/2016

WALT: find the area and then volume of a shape.

Success criteria
Find the area by following the given rule.
Find the volume by multiplying area x height of a shape.

Today we are going to continue developing your skills in finding the area and volume.
The easy way to work out the area of a shape is to follow the rule.

Finding the area of a square or rectangle is base x width.
Finding the area of a triangle is 1/2 the base x the height.

Activities for today.
1. Warm up time table practise

2. Google classroom. Find the area of the given shapes.

3. Find the volume of a shape.
To solve the volume of a shape you first find the area and then multiply it by the height.
See google classroom for activity.

4. Use this clip to help you

Early finishes- See study ladder - Volume.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Thursday 22nd September 2016

Two days of learning left for the term. Several things to remember.

1. Water Inquiry due in tomorrow , Friday.

2. Reading Tasks due in tomorrow, Friday.

3. ALL of you are supposed to have two published pieces of writing on your blog as a minimum, this was due on Monday for Interviews. Parents were informed of the expectation and are waiting to see the additions.


8.50 - 9.50    Mathematics.- Area and Volume (See Maths tab)

9.50 - 10.25  EVERYONE to update and post to their blog a minimum of two pieces error free.


11.00 - 12.00   WRITING TASK



8DA to P.E.

1.10 - 2.00  READING -- Reading Tasks completed, shared and when turned back, published on blog.

2.00 - 2.40   INQUIRY --  Completing Inquiry ready to be turned in tomorrow.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Math Monday 19/09/2016

Today every group will be learning the same skill.
Your latest measurement test showed that most of you need to learn about how to find the area and volume.

1. Warm up activity
Do the give change activity.

2. You tube. How to find the area of a shape
3. Practice activity. See google classroom

4. Online practice activity.

Please ask for help if you are not sure about how to apply the skill.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Monday 19th SEPTEMBER 2016

Monday 19th September 2016

Good morning everyone, although a wet weekend we hope you have been able to get out and about and had some fun times with whanau and friends.

Reminder tomorrow is Parent Teacher Interviews. Your caregivers have had a letter with an appointment time, a text, phone call or message left to confirm this, and one or two still need to get back to us regarding the messages we have left. Please remind your key caregivers we have things to share, and celebrate together and we need you to bring them tomorrow to set our term 4 goals together.You are required to attend the interview so you can set your next learning and pastoral goals with family and staff support.


8.50 -   Survey Time  - Google Classroom survey for your personal voice on learning achievements, help required and goals shared. These must be completed block 1 by everyone.
9.20 ALL Writing group to Targeted Learning Zone wih IC
        Everyone else - Literacy - Writing.

11.00 - 12.00  Maths - Click on tab above
12.00 - 12.30  Skills/Study 
                                                1.     Countries of the world Quiz.

                                              2.       Pokemon Quiz

1.10 - 1.30  - Reading - NO CHROME BOOKS ISSUED - Silent reading of Novel.
           1.35    Assignment selection will be relabeled to the top of google classroom., One should be completed to publication standard by now and the second well underway. When shared and accepted post to blog.
           2.15   Blog review check your blog has a good selection of your work published to it, they will be shared tomorrow. Next get your workbooks together and have as a set ready to pick up and share.

Friday, 16 September 2016

OVERVIEW Friday 16th September

Friday 16th September


Enjoy our Healthy Vegetable of the day, Carrots, they are pre-washed, and cut ready to enjoy. Some of us sampled them as we prepared them ready for you to have and they are crunchy, fresh and very tasty.

Headphones: Headphones have to be individually issued, priority of issue is the person to whom they are allocated, should they not wish to use them their allocation can be signed out to someone who no longer has working Headphones, you will have to sign them out and sign them in. From next year you will, as part of your stationery requirements need your own ear buds or head phones, a lot of you are already supplying your own, this is great to see as then you have care and overview of your own equipment.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Maths Friday 16/9/2016

Number 16/09/2016

1. Warm up activity.

2. We are reviewing last weeks video for your group.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

3. Practice activity: See google classroom for your activities
Group 1 Subtracting fractions medium
Group 2 Subtracting deciamls.
Group 3 Mixed numbers to decimals

4 Online game activities
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3